We grant a high importance to quality control from the conception of the project to the submission of the final report through the various steps, including data collection.
* Before the Fieldwork,
Briefing: Interviewers receive specific training for each project and receive written instructions.
Most of the time, interviewers are accompanied by a supervisor during their first day of fieldwork.
* During the Fieldwork,
- Reporting the progress of the fieldwork to the client: reporting done by Field Coordinators.
- Do the back check of the 25% of the questionnaires administered with the respondents: BACK CHECK IN FIELD
- GPS checking to follow the itinerary of the investigators;
- Control and editing of 100% of the questionnaires carried out in the field. OFFICE BACK CHECK
* After the Fieldwork,
- Verification of 35% of precised and accurate data to cancel invalid interviews and redo them
- 100% Back Checking of suspicious data to eliminate punching errors or data with major issues
- Checking the integrity of the databases (DATA CHECKING) before coding or sending them to the researchers for analysis.
For any clarification, it is possible to contact your expert by phone or through the online contact form