Qualitative & Quantitative Methodologies (2)


  • Highest standards of “best practice”
  • High quality of collected data
  • Time reduction
  • More accuracy
  • Complete control on interviews progress
  • Integration of multimedia materials
  • The answers obtained from the survey are immediately forwarded to the main server, helps in tracking data and the results continuously.
  • The answer are collected, stored and secured electronically during the interview.
  • There is reduced collection time and absolutely no input time.
  • The time for analysis is subsequently reduced.
  • F2F interview in room
  • Facilitates logic checks, skip patterns, and validations during the interview.
  • Makes the survey more efficient and helps assure higher quality data.
  • Saves later efforts on data cleaning and data entry.
  • A good tool to monitor enumerators. It can automatically record each interview’s start time, end time and GPS location
  • CLTs are conducted in various settings, including hotels, malls, churches, testing labs, schools, eateries, community settings, and more.
  • Researchers gain the ability to eliminate bias because of the controlled-environment aspect.
  • Gives researchers the ability to obtain « raw » feedback by making to view the participants’ body language and facial reactions.
  • Stems from researchers being able to ask questions in real-time based on participant actions.
  • A cost-effective method for conducting market research.

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